Wednesday 12 March 2014


Note to myself:

At 33 years & 4 months old, I thankful and bless with a wonderful husband.

For every woman out there who is single please pray hard to Allah swt you will get a wonderful muslim man who love u just the way you are.

When I was young, never in a million years that I dreams or I have this feeling that I want to get married or let alone have kids.

But Allah swt has chosen for me the best man who accept me just the way I am.

Not to say that I am not nice but as a woman with lots of hormone and temper well, thankfully it tone down with age.

Nevertheless, ayang, I ♥ you forever. No words can even the describe the sacrifice you make for me and our kids. Apperciate it so much. Hopefully you feel the same way about me too.

Sometimes I tend not to show this lovey dovey feeling but I love u so much ......muah!

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