Sunday 9 March 2014


The chronology of my pregnancy until the day I done the dnc. To be honest, the reason why I write this as a way to heal myself. As well as to help others who are in the same position as I am right now.
We went for holiday for one week in month of January 2014. We went back to Pekan, Pahang and Penang.
It was a pleasant and happy holiday. We enjoy ourselves. To cut long story short, I found out I'm pregnant after my period didn't came on January 6th, 2014.
I didn't have any morning sickness which doctor said it is a blessed.  But for me its important to have strong morning sickness as it shows how pregnant we are.
I went to scan when I am 5 weeks pregnant,  doc said she cannot see the baby yet cos it's too small.
Went again to scan on 7 weeks. See the kantung but no bby inside. Doc said maybe the bby still small. By this time I already felt sceptical with myself and I know, the baby is not growing as it should.
On the 1 & 2 March 2014, our weekend is quite busy with birthday party and engagement.  By monday I felt so tired but went to work anyway. At 3 o'clock see some spotting and immediately informed my boss that I want to go home due to my condition.
I went to the clinic to scan again and the doc informed me that the kantung is empty with no fetal pole. I accept the condition and went home to wait for my husband.
That night went to pusrawi, kajang and the obgyn confirmed that we lost the baby.
Dnc was done on 4th mar 2014. Everything went well and we go home at 5 pm.
As of confinement on 6th day. Luckily mu husband help me out with household chores.
Below is last scan on 3rd mar 2014.
Be strong! Allah swt knows what is the best for us..amin.

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