Saturday, 1 November 2014

Makna founder's night run 2014


This is my early birthday present for myself. Kalau pompuan sejati, time birthday sendiri of cos nk request birthday cake, flowers, perfume or kalau husband kaya minta............yes...u guess it right, jewellery...aka 'diamond are a girl best friend'. ..

Since im just a woman who tak nk susahkn sesiapa maksudnya apa yang ada la ye..

But in my case..I want to join charity event. .walaupun dh lama tak training but what the hell...I still can walk slowly. .

The method im choosing for this run tonight is run and walk. ..slow and steady to the finishing line...insya allah

Im still in pain around that same area...but what to do...tak nk mkn painkiller. ill run with my pain...

Hopefully the endorphin hormones that my body will release tonight will get me through .....

Asyik nk ngadu sakit ja...sian lak kat semua org kn...

So if this pain doesn't go away then I will do something about it. ..

To my self. ....wishing u a happy wonderful birthday..

Allah swt make u perfect just the way u are...

You are strong with Allah swt will guide u to the right path...insya allah. ..amin...

♥ — Feeling thankful for everything. ..

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